I went back to my classroom today and finished up a few things--the inside of my cabinet was already like it is in the photos below (it got sorted out the first time I went a few weeks ago), but I ended up decorating the outside of it today because it's not exactly pretty.
The inside isn't beautiful by any means, but at least I can see everything and I know what shelf my supplies are on now. You can see all of the Pinterest ideas from the last post in here.
Here is a close-up of the shelves and a little description of what I keep in there.
The top two shelves have art supplies, lab supplies, and my card game zippy pouches.
The third shelf is all paper--colored copy paper and then construction. I really want to get the copy paper out of this cabinet, but I don't know what to do with it.
The fourth shelf has a box of teaching supplies, some bulletin board things, and my Ladibug document camera. I LOVE using my Ladibug camera and so do my students. It usually stays on my table up front, but it was in here for summer storage.
This bottom shelf is just...stuff. It looks kind of sad, but these are the things that I use the least often so that's why they live on the bottom. Calendar stuff, a class set of makers, class set of colored pencils, some laminated posters and a set of lab materials.
Now for the cute part!! The outside! Today I was sitting in my room staring at the ugly outside of this cabinet and I thought I'd try to cover it up. I have lots of extra borders and the new supply of butcher paper was in our teacher mailroom today, so that is what I used to cover it.
It's not just cute--this is going to serve as my data wall. Last year I would post grade sheets and class info on my door. However, the kids would drive me crazy with it in that spot because several of them would pretend to be sharpening a pencil just so they could stand there and stare at the papers on the door. Hopefully, this will cut down on that because there isn't a reason for them to be over at the sinks.
I will say this: this was a miserable little decorating project. It took forever! Cutting the paper to the right size, wrapping it around the doors, cutting it around the handles of the cabinet...blech. I don't think I would do it over again, even though it looks nice. It was much worse than decorating my classroom door ever has been.
I am going to put a piece of laminated construction paper under each class period number, and that is what I will attach the papers to.
That cabinet holds my teacher things and stuff that the students don't really need access to. All of their things are on a shelf on the other side of my room. Here is the student supply shelf:
The two top shelves have our class set of textbooks and my newly-stocked first aid kit.
The next two shelves are my tiny classroom library. I originally thought I was going to teach Language Arts and that's why I have them, but I think it's a good addition to any classroom. Some kids like to read during homeroom, and they were especially useful after our state testing when the students have to be silent for almost four hours.
The last three shelves are where I keep art supplies. I labeled them so you can see what I have out and accessible to the students.
Yes, I have lots of staplers! I had one for each table last year so that my nice stapler stayed on my desk and was only used by me, and it was a great system. These are actually really useful to have multiples of because the students staple things into their composition books, and they only have to wait a minute for their turn instead of waiting for every kid in the room to staple.
Again, in a perfect world, all of my containers would match, but it'll do for now.
Next up is my favorite organizational Pinterest project of all--my new teacher toolbox! It is getting it's own post because I love it that much! :)
You are amazing! I used to keep my extra copy paper either in the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet or underneath the sinks, so maybe one of those options will work for you. You could also do what you did with the construction paper in the hanging folders for the colored copy paper, even if you kept it in the big cabinet. Your supplies are awesome. I love the idea of having supplies for each group. I tried that last year, but my kids ended up not being able to stay in groups, so I did away with it :-/ I wish I'd had room to put shelves up where you did. My room was much smaller than the other science rooms, which were much smaller than the regular rooms because of the sinks, so it was hard to find places to put things :[
ReplyDeleteI thought about doing the same thing for the copy paper as I did the construction paper, but I am afraid that I have so much copy paper in each color that it will not hold up in the hanging files. I use the colored copy paper really frequently because I get tired of white paper, but I hate having to go into the cabinet and dig for it!!
DeleteI just lucked out with that wooden shelf--I inherited it because it was left in my room!
I would keep some in my cabinet to get to quickly and the extra paper went in the filing cabinet. Maybe you could do that? Just put about 1/4 of a ream in each hanging file. What about the 10 drawer rainbow thing by your desk? Maybe it could go there for easy access.